Curricular Activities

Academic guidance

Class tutors monitor each class and maintain the discipline. The tutor assumes the role of facilitator to ensure “Life long learning” in the student. They are highly qualified, research oriented and well trained in modern methods of teaching. They keep themselves updated with the latest in their respective fields. They identify the weak students and arrange special coaching classes after the college hours. We have counsellors (tutors) to counsel personal, social and academic difficulties. The total strength of the college is equally divided so that each counsellor has to counsel twenty students.

Internal  and model exams

Two Internal Assessment  examinations and three model examinations are conducted compulsorily by exam cell every semester as per the schedule mentioned in the calendar. In addition to above, five unit tests are conducted under department level to enhance the academic performance. The dates of tests will remain unchanged unless under unforeseen circumstances. The students are required to prepare well in advance for these exams to achieve academic excellence.

Industrial training

Since the technical education emphasizes on the skill and competencies of pass outs, the students are advised to undergo industrial training during the vacations after the semester exams  from third semester. Assistance and   support will be provided by the polytechnic authorities for such activities. Students may undergo short training and prepare a report of the same. outstanding activities, involvement in the industrial training will be recognized during annual day celebrations.

Language laboratory

In order to enhance the language and communication skills, a Language laboratory has been set up in the polytechnic.Students interested in the development of their language may utilize this facility

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