
Enrollment management is the broad term used to capture these major processes and assumes a holistic view of enrollment processes and student success. Those processes include but are not limited to the following: marketing, recruitment, application, admission, registration, enrollment, student persistence, re-enrollment, completion, graduation, and transfer or transition.

Using the Strategic Enrollment Plan as its guide and the College’s Five-Year Strategic Plan, the role of the Strategic Enrollment Committee is to annually identify and recommend major initiatives and actions for implementation, monitor their progress and report results/findings, identify gaps in the Strategic Plan, and integrate enrollment management processes into the College’s ongoing continuous quality improvement efforts.


  • Arulraj A
    Rev. Fr. Arulraj A. OFM Cap.,
  • Rev. Fr. S.MADALAIMUTHU OFM, Cap.,
  • Rev. Fr. SUNDAR RAJ. OFM Cap
Major Roles
The following should guide the committee’s work:
  1. To recommend to the Senior Vice President for Learner and Provost (or his/her designee) strategic actions for achieving the College’s Strategic Enrollment Management goals. Recommendations may include formations of task forces to complete specific projects or tasks.
  2. To establish the annual agenda by setting priorities according to the SEM Plan.
  3. To develop strategies that further advance awareness, engagement, and support for the College’s enrollment management goals and student success.
  4. To identify potential resources and partners for achieving desired goals for enrollment management.
  5. Collaborate with Cabinet or other College leaders, as needed to achieve desired goals.

To report progress, results, and events through ongoing communication and posting of meeting agendas and minutes.


       The Institute’s mission encourages students to explore in order to advance knowledge at the highest level. It also expects its students to uphold the highest standards of respect, integrity, and civility. With this context, the Committee on Discipline (COD) was created to resolve complaints of alleged violations of policies and/or community standards by a student, former student, or student organization in a way that is objective and educational, not legalistic or adversarial.


 The Charges of the Committee are the following

  1. To maintain & enforce strict discipline in the college campus.
  2. To enforce strict dress code among students. Please note that wearing of Jeans by students is not permitted & any one found wearing jeans should not be allowed to enter the College.
  3. To enforce total prohibition of Cell Phone usage by the students inside the College Campus. Please note that Cell phone is totally prohibited in the College Campus and if a student is found carrying Cell Phone, the Cell phone needs to be confiscated & returned to the principal.
  4. 4.To Monitor the movement of the students in the College and prevent students loitering around in the corridors during the College working hours.
  5. To ensure that all the students attend classes without bunking & prevent the Students leaving the College early. Please note that no student can leave the College early without prior permission of the higher authorities (Gate pass issued needs to be produced).
  6. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the College Campus and ensure that this is being strictly followed.
  7. To ensure that students maintain utmost silence in the Library.
  8. To maintain proper discipline in the college Canteen, Student waiting room and the student mess during the College Working hours.
  9. To assist the college anti-ragging committee in preventing ragging in the College and to spread anti-ragging campaign throughout the students community

Committee members:

S.No Name Department Designation
1 Mr.POOPATHI S General Principal
7 Mr. PRAKASH S Basic Engg HOD

Uptc  has taken utmost care to avoid ragging in the campus and hostels. Uptc  is successful in evading ragging in the campus and hostels through its unique approach of Educating and Mentoring both junior and senior students and strict vigilance on any such incidences.

Committees have been formed to carryout enquiry of any such complaints, and to carryout surprise visits to hostels and key places in the campus. Please refer to the end of this document. Affected students and parents can contact the members through mail or phone.

What constitutes Ragging

Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts:

  1. Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student.
  2. Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension there of in any fresher or any other student asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student
  3. Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any other student or fresher.
  4. Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students.
  5. Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student by students;
  6. Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person.
  7. Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, posts, public insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to fresher or any other student.
  8. Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student.

Actions to be taken against students for indulging and abetting ragging in technical institutions, Universities including Deemed to be University imparting technical education

  1. The punishment to be meted out to the persons indulged in ragging has to be exemplary and justifiably harsh to act as a deterrent against recurrence of such incidents.
  2. Every single incident of ragging a First Information Report (FIR) must be filed without exception by the institutional authorities with the local police authorities.
  3. The Anti-Ragging Committee of the institution shall take an appropriate decision, with regard to punishment or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident of ragging and nature and gravity of the incident of ragging.
  4. Depending upon the nature and gravity of the offence as established the possible punishments for those found guilty of ragging at the institution level shall be any one or any combination of the following:-
    • Cancellation of admission
    • Suspension from attending classes
    • Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits.
    • Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation process.
    • Withholding results.
    • Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc.
    • Suspension/expulsion from the hostel
    • Rustication from the institution for period ranging from 1 to 4 semesters.
    • Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution.
    • Collective punishment: when the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment as a deterrent to ensure community pressure on the potential raggers.

Inspector of police,
All women Police Station,

Rector, Udhayam Polytechnic College.
Contact No: 9626391007



Principal,Udhayam Polytechnic College,Thenkuda.
Velangulam, velipattinam PO, Ramnad(Dt).
Cell: 9965854518

 Squad members
Vice Principal
3/192, Vasanthapuram, Paramakudi-623707.
Cell : 9952728245

2. Mrs. Mano  Rose        –
Cell : 7530071731

3.Mr. Arockia Balu
Olaikuda, Rameswaram.
Cell :  9787344771

Vice Principal
3/192, Vasanthapuram, Paramakudi-623707.
Cell : 9952728245

Cell : 9842585450.

3.                                                                             .

HOD / Mechanical Engineering

Ramanathapuram Dist-623526.
Cell : 7598350278.

George prasanna –  civil iii Year,
S/o Mr. robert M B
aathikadu, rameswaram Po,
cell  : 9025512264

namburajan R
DME I Year,
S/o Mrs.daisy r
Pathirakali amman st,rameswaram-po, Ramanathapuram-dt
cell  :6369119102


Mr. Robert M B
aathikadu, rameswaram P.O,
Ramanathapuram Dt, 623526.
cell: 9786389371

Mrs.Daisy R 
Pathirakali amman st, rameswaram P.O,
Ramanathapuram Dt. 623 526
cell: 9566773579

The  Examination  committee  is  an  apex  body  of  the  Institute  which  is  headed  by Examinations In-Charge (EI) and shall be facilitated by three sections: Examination, Record Maintenance and Administration. The main function of this Committee is to carry out examinations, publish results and award certificates (provided by the University and Institute) to the students who pass the final examinations. Keeping the record of each and every issue related to the examination and organizing workshops and seminars for the improvement of the examination system are also the responsibilities of this Committee.


 To conduct Internal Assessment and External Assessment Examination related all work as per University notifications and ordinance.

 Role and Responsibility

  • The Exam Cell shall distribute the Exam Forms of the DOTE to regular students .
  • The Examination Committee shall prepare relevant time tables for our College based on the Examination Time Table of the DOTE
  • The Examination Committee shall make the Block and Seating Arrangement and display them on the concerned Notice Board/Website and Blocks.
  • Though the teaching faculty is entitled to vacation if eligible, it is expected that they are  available for examination duty at least for two weeks. Hence they shall give  their  vacation  preference  dates  to  the  Exam  Committee  in  the specified format.
  • The Exam Committee shall prepare and display an overall Supervision Duty List as well  as  Daily  Supervision  Duty  List  on  the  Staff  Notice
  • The Exam Committee shall ensure that adequate stationery, like answer sheets, drawing sheets, charts, graph paper, drawing boards, trays, threads, water jugs etc. are made available.
  • The Exam Committee shall hold a pre-exam meeting to brief the members of faculty with   regard   to   the   examination   procedures   and   the   role   and responsibilities of    A  report  of  same  shall  be  submitted  to  the Principal.
  • Committee should collect examiners names for assessment and moderation of each subject from respective HODs.
  • Preparation of smooth conduct of Examinations, preparation of time – table schedules, Invigilation duty chart, Seat allotment in the Examination halls etc.
  • To ensure that the entire exam related documents reach the DOTE in time.
  • To conduct Internal Assessment examination as per academic calendar.
  • Distribution of marks lists to the students after the results of various examinations received from the DOTE.
  • Any Circular, Guideline, Office Order, Notification received by the DOTE are processed in the Examination Cell, reply thereof prepared and after Principal’s signature dispatched or circulates to the concerned Departments / Students.

Committee members:

S.No Name Department Designation
1 Mr.POOPATHI S General Principal


  1. To foster and promote good relationship among the members of the teaching staff, students  and parents/ guardians of the students.
  2. To create in members a keen interest for the smooth working of the college and for    maintaining good discipline and high academic standards.
  3. To collect subscriptions, donations, gifts etc., from members, non-members and the other institutions for furthering the aims and objects of the association.
  4. To institute scholarships, prizes, medals etc., to benefit students showing a high proficiency in their studies.

Some major activities of PTA:

  • To provide sure amenities to the students of the college.
  • The parents/guardians of all the students on the rolls of the college during a year shall be eligible to be members of the Association.
  • When a student is removed from the rolls of the College the parent/guardian of the student  shall ipso facto cease to be members of the Association.The Principal and the other members of the teaching staff shall ipso facto be members of the  Association.
  • The administration of the Association shall vest in an executive committee,here in after referred to as the Committee, elected for the purpose.
  • The Committee shall consist of :  (i) A President  (ii) A Vice President  (iii) A Secretary elected from among the members of the teaching staff; and  (iv) Not more than 8 other members of which at least 4 shall represent the parents/guardians  and 4 the teaching staff.    The term of office of the Committee shall be for a period of one year (the year for the purpose  shall be the calendar year)
  • A Committee once elected shall continue to hold office till a new committee assumes charge.
  • Powers and responsibilities of the Executive Committee:- Subject to the approval of the General Body of the Association the Committee shall have the following powers:
  • To manage all affairs of the Association, to incur and meet all necessary expenses and do all  such acts as are not inconsistent with these rules;
  • To enlist members.   To hold meetings of the Committee at least once in a term or oftener if deemed necessary.
  • To periodically check the registers and the other records of the Association and to scrutinize  the statement of accounts.
  • To scrutinise the annual report, the audited statement of accounts for the year and budget  proposed for the ensuing year to be placed before the General Body.
  • To implement all decisions taken by the General Body.
  • To suggest amendments to any of the existing rules and to frame new rules for consideration  of the General Body.

Grievance Redressal Committee:


  1. To provide a mechanism to students of the college to air out their grievances and to provide redressal for the same so that they have smooth tenure at the college from the day of admission to their graduation.


“Aggrieved student” means a student who has any complaint in the matters concerned with the grievances defined under these guidelines, and includes a person seeking admission to the college.

“Grievances”: Grievances include the following complaints of the aggrieved students, namely:

  1. i) making admission contrary to merit determined in accordance with the declared admission policy of the college;
  2. ii) irregularity in the admission process adopted by the institute;

iii) refusing admission in accordance with the declared admission policy of the college;

  1. iv) non publication of prospectus
  2. v) publishing any information in the prospectus, which is false or misleading, and not based on facts;
  3. vi) withhold or refuse to return any document in the form of certificates of degree or any other award or other document deposited with it by a person for the purpose of seeking admission in the college, with a view to induce or compel such person to pay any fee or fees in respect of any course or program of study which such person does not intend to pursue;

vii) demand of money in excess of that specified in the declared admission policy or approved by the competent authority to be charged by the college.

viii) breach of the policy for reservation in admission as may be applicable

  1. ix) complaints, of alleged discrimination of students, from the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Women, Minority or Disabled categories;
  2. x) non payment or delay in payment of scholarships to any student that the college is committed
  3. xi) delay in conduct of examinations or declaration of results beyond that specified in the academic calendar;

xii) non provision of student amenities as may have been promised or required to be provided by the college;

xiii) denial of quality education as promised at the time of admission or required to be provided;

xiv) non transparent or unfair evaluation practices;

xv)harassment and victimisation of students, including sexual harassment;

Grievance Redressal Committee:

  1. The Grievance Redressal Committee shall be constituted at the college with Principal, senior faculty and a student representative. Any aggrieved student may make an application to the Registrar at the Grievance Redressal Cell seeking redressal of grievance. The Grievance Redressal Cell shall receive the complaint and the Committee shall fix a date for hearing the complaint and communicate its decision within ten days of receipt of complaint. The Grievance Redressal Committee shall ensure disposal of every application as speedily as possible, and not later than a month of receipt of the grievance. On the conclusion of proceedings, the Committee shall pass such order, as may be deemed fit to redress the grievance and provide relief as may be desirable to the affected party at issue. In case of false or frivolous complaint, the Committee may take appropriate action against the complainant.

 Grievance Redressal Committee members 2021-2022

 Grievance Redressal Committee:

Members:                                                                                                  phone no & email id

  1. S.POOPATHI, Principal & Dept. of EEE                            –                     Ph:9965854518,
  2. S.PRAKASH, Senior Lecturer, Mathematics           –                             Ph:9791930914,
  3. V.Shanthi, Lecturer, civil                              –                            Ph: 9843292676, email:
  4. Rajasekaran,B.A,BL., Legal Advisor                      –                     Ph:9042755585,
  5. Simiyoun, General Public                                      –                      Ph:9865720652,


Mr. T. SENTHIL KUMAR, vice-principal & senior Lecturer, Electronics engg Engg.

Ph: 9952728245, email:


  1. The main objective of academic advising is to assist students in their growth and development by constructing meaningful educational plans which are compatible with their life goals. It is a continuous and consistent process which is built upon the basis of frequent, accumulated personal contacts between advisor and advisee(student). Excellent academic programs will not accomplish the desired end result if students are not properly guided and counseled.   Thus, academic advising fosters the development of the whole student who is a self-directed, motivated, responsible decision-maker and encourages the successful completion of degree requirements and timely graduation.

Rules and responsibilities of student counsellor committee:

The role of an Academic Advisor is an active rather than a passive one and the advisor is responsible for:

  • Assisting students(advisees) to identify their academic values and goals, consistent with their capabilities, interests, and educational backgrounds
  • Clarifying pertinent information and discussing the implications toward students’ academic success
  • Being accessible and available to students to respond to their questions and concerns
  • Clarifying academic policies, College &  University  regulations, program requirements, procedures, promotion credit requirements and other college information
  • Maintaining professional integrity, confidentiality, respect, and sensitivity in advising
  • Helping students  to define and develop educational plans; assisting in the selection of appropriate course work and opportunities to achieve students’ goals
  • Respecting students’ individual needs and diversity
  • Assisting students to independently monitor their progress toward achieving their educational and career goals
  • Informing students of the roles and responsibilities of the advisor/student relationship
  • Proactively contact and be available for student advisees on a regular basis. Office hours(Meeting time) should be posted on the advisor’s office door and preferably given to the advisee early in the semester.
  • Conducting weekly meeting with advisees assigned  to know their  progress in studies, difficulty in understanding subjects, requirement of  help sessions/remedial classes in specific subjects,  if needed,  conducting one to one meeting with the advisee to know their specific  problems & arranging proper counselling to  overcome their difficulties.
  • Identifying advisees having poor English communication skills and arranging special sessions/programmes through English department faculty members for enhancing their English communication skills.
  • Consulting  regularly with faculty colleagues handling courses for the advisees assigned, Student Counselling  and Attendance  Monitoring committee members in order to have up-to-date information about advisees.
  • Follow-up with the advisee on any report of unsatisfactory work, poor attendance, unsatisfactory performance in class tests/assignments/Mid-Exams and  chalk out an action plan in discussion with concerned HOD &  faculty members to improve advisee’s  performance & oversee the implementation  of  the Help sessions/Remedial classes/tutoring.
  • Maintain an up-to-date Advising Portfolio, with a summary record of performance to date (grade reports, transcript, requirements completed, etc.), attendance reports, dates of conferences(meetings),  up-to-date  information and details of help sessions/tutoring/Remedial classes conducted to improve the performance of Advisees, etc.

Student counsellor advisors

In order  to carry out  Academic Advising in a  smooth fashion, male & female  faculty members have been appointed  as Academic  Advisors for each section  with  the  responsibility of advising  male & female students separately  to implement  effective  academic advising process.

Academic year for the Student counsellor advisors 2021-2022

Student’s counsellor:, O.F.M.Cap., M.Com. M.A., M.A,. Counseling and Psychotherapy, self Psychologist, Canada.

Student’s Counsellor Members

  1. Mr. S.Prakash Dept of Mathematics
  2. Mr. A. Athieswaran, HOD, Dept. of civil
  3. Mr. M.Vignesh, HOD, Dept.of mechanical
  4. Mr. S.Manorose, HOD, Dept.of EEE
  5. Mr. N.Dheenathayalan , HOD, Dept.of ECE

 Aim /Objectives:-

  1. To ensure the implementation of the policy in letter and spirit through proper reporting of the complaints and their follow-up procedures.
  2. To uphold the commitment of the Institute to provide an environment free of gender based discrimination
  3. To develop a policy against sexual harassment of women at the Institute.

Role of the Committee:-

  • Any aggrieved woman may make, in writing, a complaint of dishonor harassment at workplace to the Internal Complaints Committee, within a period of three months from the date of incident and in case of a series of incidents, within a period of three months from the date of last incident. 6 copies of a written complaint should be submitted to the Committee or any of its members along with list of witnesses and supporting documents. Additional documents and list of witnesses can be submitted to Internal Complaints Committee at a later stage during the proceeding. Provided that where such complaint cannot be made in writing, the Presiding Officer or any other member of the ICC shall render all reasonable assistance to the woman for making the complaint in writing.
  • Any complaint received by the members should be immediately forwarded to the Presiding Officer, and this must be notified to other committee members at the earliest and not later than 3 days and a meeting should be called for discussing the matter.
  • The Committee shall discuss and decide on its jurisdiction to deal with the case or reject the complaint prima facie and recommend to the Institute that no action is required to be taken in the matter.
  • The Committee may call any person to appear as a witness if it is of the opinion that it shall be in the interest of justice. The aggrieved woman/respondent has to submit the written reply before the committee within the specified time given.
  • The Committee shall have the right to summon, as many times as required, the respondent, aggrieved woman and/or any witnesses for the purpose of supplementary testimony and/or clarifications.
  • All proceedings of the Internal Complaints Committee shall be recorded in writing. The record of the proceedings and the statement of witnesses shall be endorsed by the persons concerned as well as the committee members present in token of authenticity thereof.
  • After concluding its investigation, the Committee shall submit a detailed reasoned report to the Institute.
  • The Institute authorities will file a compliance report to the Committee within 30 days of issuance of such recommendation.

Committee Members:-

Chairman                                 : Rev.Fr. A.Sundar raj Rector

Conveynor                               : Mr. POOPATHI S, Principal

Co-Ordinator & Advisor       : Mr. Senthil kumar T, Vice Principal

Legal Advisor                          : Mr. Rajasekaran BA, BL.

Staff Member:-

  1. Arockia balu B                    – clerk
  2. Shanthi.v,                           – lecturer/ Civil Engg.
  3. Shilpa prasanna A                 – Non-teaching faculty
  4. MANOROSE S                    – HOD/ EEE
  5. Student counsellor Member:-
    1. P.Praveen                   – ECE III YEAR
    2. N.Sakthi                           – First year.
    3. Ananthakumar                 – Civil III YEAR

 Aim /Objectives:-

  1. To develop a quality system for conscious, consistent and Catalytic programmed action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the Institution.
  2. To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practice.

Functions of the IQAC

  1. To develop quality parameters for the activities of the Institution
  2. To create a student-centric teaching environment conducive to imparting quality education.
  3. To solicit, format and implement feedback/ suggestions from stake holders on quality related affairs.
  4. To create quality consciousness among the stake holders especially students and both teaching and non-teaching faculty.
  5. To document the steps taken and process implemented, leading to quality enhancement.
  6. To act as a nodal agency to coordinate quality related activities in the campus.
  7. To maintain institutional data base through MIS and with ICT enabled.
  8. To prepare annual quality assurance report (AQAR) for NAAC to be submitted at the end of each academic year.

Strategies of IQAC

  1. To ensure quality of academic programs.
  2. To integrate modern methods of teaching and learning and monitor its effect on the student’s performance.
  3. To instill confidence and credibility of evaluation procedure among stakeholders.

Committee Members:-

Chairman                               : Rev.Fr. A.Sundar raj Rector

Conveynor                             : Mr. S.POOPATHI, Principal

Co-Ordinator & Advisor       : Mr. Senthil kumar T, Vice Principal

Legal Advisor                         : Mr. Rajasekaran BA, BL.

Staff Members:

  1. Prakash S                     – HOD/ First Year Basic Engg.
  2. Athieswaran A             – HOD/ Civil Engg.
  3. Vignesh M                    – HOD/ Mechanical Engg.
  4. MANOROSE S               – HOD/ EEE
  5. Dheenathayalan N          – HOD/ECE

 Aim /Objectives:-

  1. Empower students belonging to the backward sections of societies belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
  2. Implementation of various schemes meant for educational purpose through Scheduled Caste and Schedules Tribes Sub-Plan schemes, Reservation Policy co-ordination etc. in order to ensure their empowerment through Social Justice, Economic Welfare, and Social Defense.

Functions of the SC/ST Committee:-

  1. Resolves the Grievances of SC/ST students and employees of the collage and render them necessary help in solving their academic as well as administrative problems.
  2. Looks after the work related to SC/STs matters and no other work is assigned to the Cell.
  3. Ensures the effective implementation of the guidelines /policies and programmes of the Government of India, UGC and State Governments with regard to backward castes, classes and physically challenged.
  4. Collects data regarding the implementation of the policies in respect of admissions, appointments to teaching and nonteaching positions in the institute and informs the same to the deserve people.
  5. Gives wide publicity through circulars to all the faculties and informs the students about the various scholarships

Committee Members:-

Chairman                               : Rev.Fr. A.Sundar raj Rector

Conveynor                             : Mr. POOPATHI S, Principal

Legal Advisor                         : Mr. Rajasekaran BA, BL.

Staff Members:

  1. Senthil kumar T               – vice-principal/Electronics & CommunicationEngg.
  2. Athies waran V                       – HOD/ Civil Engg.
  3. Vignesh M                          – HOD/ Mechanical Engg.
  4. Praveen kumar               – lecturer/ EEE
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