Enrollment management is the broad term used to capture these major processes and assumes a holistic view of enrollment processes and student success. Those processes include but are not limited to the following: marketing, recruitment, application, admission, registration, enrollment, student persistence, re-enrollment, completion, graduation, and transfer or transition.
Using the Strategic Enrollment Plan as its guide and the College’s Five-Year Strategic Plan, the role of the Strategic Enrollment Committee is to annually identify and recommend major initiatives and actions for implementation, monitor their progress and report results/findings, identify gaps in the Strategic Plan, and integrate enrollment management processes into the College’s ongoing continuous quality improvement efforts.
The following should guide the committee’s work:
- To recommend to the Senior Vice President for Learner and Provost (or his/her designee) strategic actions for achieving the College’s Strategic Enrollment Management goals. Recommendations may include formations of task forces to complete specific projects or tasks.
- To establish the annual agenda by setting priorities according to the SEM Plan.
- To develop strategies that further advance awareness, engagement, and support for the College’s enrollment management goals and student success.
- To identify potential resources and partners for achieving desired goals for enrollment management.
- Collaborate with Cabinet or other College leaders, as needed to achieve desired goals.
To report progress, results, and events through ongoing communication and posting of meeting agendas and minutes.